Brauer, R., (2024) Research Impact: assessment, generation, and evidencing. Biomedical Engineering Group, University of Hull, 25th of April, 2024
Brauer, R., (2024) Innovation Unleashed: Crafting Impactful Research (Narratives) ICAHR PGR meeting for maximising impact, University of Hull, 11th of April, 2024
Brauer, R., (2022). What, how and why: research impact from inception to evidencing. Hull Global Health Research Network, University of Hull, 17th of February 2022.
Brauer, R., & Dymitrow, M. (2022). The impact agenda and the changing research ecosystem, Landscape and Planning Research Group, University of Gothenburg, 12th of January 2022.
Brauer, R., (2021). Research impact: what is it, who is it for and what it means to you as an academic. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Hull, 1st of June 2021.
Brauer, R., (2021). Impact and the (new) research ecosystem. Faculty of Business Law and Politics, University of Hull, 26th of May 2021.
Brauer, R., (2021). Impact or starve: A new paradigm for academia?. 3rd Research Culture and Community Seminar, Faculty of Business Law and Politics, University of Hull, 19th of February 2021.
Brauer, R. (2020). Research impact, ethics and academic integrity, Institute of Applied Ethics, Hull, UK 10th of March 2020.
Brauer, R., (2018). Understanding research impact, Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, 20th November 2018, Hull, UK
Brauer, R., (2018). Demystifying the emergent research impact culture, School for Hospitality & Tourism Management, University of Surrey, 16 June 2018, Guildford, UK.
Brauer, R., & Dymitrow, M. (2023). The greater/public good and research impact. Symposium on the public good, Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society, 28th of March 2023.
Brauer, R., Barnes, R. & Hollinshead, K. (2019). What is the purpose of a university in the 21st century?, Bacchus Institute of Science, Hull, UK, 12th of June 2019.
Dymitrow, M., Jordanova Peshevska, D., Biegańska, J., & Brauer, R. (2018): Wicked problems or wicked solutions? Sustainability–differently. [with contributions from Forsberg, M., Runsten, S., Ingelhag, K., Gustafsson, U. and Kotze, S.] Urban Research, 18 September 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.